🚀Guarded launch

A limited function launch to ensure proper mechanics

The GoodGhosting team shares a philosophical desire to build for real users. As such, we launched a stripped down - yet fully functional - product during the summer of 2021. This minimum viable product (MVP) allowed us to test our savings concept with actual users, as well as gain valuable feedback to iterate and improve. The functionality of our MVP embodies our vision of a gamified application that rewards regular contributors, albeit in a stripped down version.

We have an ongoing guarded launch on both the Polygon and Celo networks, with a limited number of users.

How does it work?

🌊Genesis Savings Pool (v1)🍀Celo Savings Pools (v1)👉Connecting to GoodGhosting🛡ī¸Security & Audits

We have chosen to do a guarded launch where we limit the number of users as well as the deposit amount per user. We intentionally managed the functionality of the system to limit the risk and scale at launch. This will allow us to more easily and safely improve the game mechanics and user interface going forward. We will gradually deploy new code and improvements to the game parameters and smart contracts. Safety is our top priority during this process. Expect more advanced games in the future!

Last updated